Room 10 2016

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Finger puppets

In Room Two we have been making finger puppets. For the first finger puppets we looked on the internet for a character we  liked. Then we made it into a good size. After we printed it out we coloured in and cut it out. Then we pva gold some wool  onto the puppet to make it have a 3D effect.
By Jackson Wallace

Kyla's blog

Before the holidays in the notice book Mr Wilmot wrote a notice for BP Tech Challenge I decided I would try something new and go ahead. Days went by I was the only girl in the team so I told Mr Wilmot that I didn't like being the only girl in the team so he said I could find  another girl.So I asked the class if any other girls would like to join the team. Emma said I will so now we both are doing it but it stil has eight more days to go we have hade two meetings the latest one we got the materials like newspaper paper clips and lots more.

We haven't practiced it yet but we might practice it instead of silent reading.We have to make a crane out of newspaper, paper clips, straws,four bottle caps and lots more.

By Kyla Gilbert


Direction 2012, Animation By Lani

Direction 2012, Animation

We had to find some animations and a background  and animate them with Mr Smith. He told us what to do . Lachan and I were fighting over who to animate so I let Lachan choose two and I to choose two. This week  we had to go with a different partner  and use lego or something that we could animate. I went with Reuben and we pretended the lego people were having a disco and then this guy came in and killed everyone. Then the cops  came in and  shot the guy that killed everyone. 
By Lani Simpson


On Mondays at school, we do Directions. You get to choose whether you do Animation, imovie, finger puppets or mural group. I chose Animation because I have the application on my ipad and it's fun.*

On the first day we didn't use Lego, but we used Keynote to animate pictures off the internet.

On the second day of Directions we used Lego. It's quite simple because all you have to do is move the figures a little bit , take the picture and so on. Caleb, Lachlan and I made a James Bond movie.

*Animation is when you have a prop, for example, Lego and you take lots of pictures, so when you play it, it looks like a movie.

Winton School

Winton School is a big school. It has one big playground, one tennis court, one brick wall to play ball games on ,ropes to play and swing on. It has 4 square game squares.Winton School has awesome teachers and a cool principal and lots of students. There are 2 hundred and 30 students.We have a technology block and a maximum of 11 classroom. Teachers can give people detentions if they be naughty  and so that is what Winton School is like.  By Madilyn Gwynn.


The week before the holidays Miss Collie  asked us to choose on activity to do for direction. On the first week back at school we started Directions and I made  finger puppets first we made paper puppets the second week I made a CD puppet .


By Katarina

The Olympics

 Its almost Olympics! On Saturday morning it was the official opening of the Olympics ( it was Friday night in London. ) To honor it we are putting the flag up and having a Olympics day at school this week. We are all being put in countries depending on which house we are in. This is happening on Wednesday. On Friday we are having a opening ceremony and dressing in our colours  to compete against other countries and the winning country gets a medal ceremony. Olympics only comes every 4 years so it will be nice to have it. Thereis 27 different sports this year at the Olympics. Our shot put competitor, Valerie Adams has won all gold medals but in one game where she won a silver so there's a good chance of her getting in the top 5. There are over 250 people just competing for NZ!



On Tuesday 31 July we had to go to Waianiwa to compete in the Bp Tech Challenge.We had to make a device to launch a shuttle cock and we got judged on how far it went before hitting the ground. We also had to make a crane out of news paper and other materials like that and it had to lift a 250kg of water. But at the end we had a surprise challenge and had to make a stretcher to carry a 10kg bag of sand most of the peoples  stretchers fell apart when the sand went on but ours didn't.
By Kyle.


Every week (on mondays) we have directions, which is Kapa Haka, Mural Painting,Imovie,Painting,Garage Band,Animation and Finger Puppets.Directions is a new way to learn,for a start you get taught by other teachers.Also you do many activites which teach you ICT, Drama and Acting skills. The directions choices are great choices for kids our age especially the Finger Puppets with Miss Collie or the Kapa Haka with Miss Carran and Mr Chapman. The activity is for kids Year 4 to Year 8.Tell us what your favourite one is?

By Sam Hodges

Finger Puppets

In school for Directions I'm making Finger Puppets.Finger Puppets can be made out of many materials including clay,paper,cardboard and many more.Miss Collie takes us for Finger Pupets every Monday afternoon at 1:30.So far we have made two puppets out of paper and we are making one out of CDs with fabric overtop.We are using modeling clay to make charaters on them. I think Finger Puppets are fun because we can learn how to make new things.

 By Abbey

Friday, 27 July 2012

Finger Puppets

For the past week or so year 4 to 8 have been going to different classes and have been doing Directions. This is when you choose an activity like Painting. Since it started I have been making Finger Puppets. This is when you make puppets that you control with your fingers to do mini plays. So far we have printed out an outline of two characters and colored it in and glued some wool on the parts you want it on to make it stand out. Eg. Wool for the lions mane. On the second week of Finger Puppets we made clay characters on cd's and I made colourful caterpillar eating an apple on a leaf. My friend made a colourful butterfly on a flower. Out of clay,fabric,cd's,ice-cream sticks,paper and glue. By Emma

Room two speeches by Jacob

This week in Room two we have been writing some awesome speeches. Some of which are Isral Dagg, More maths tests, Technology is taking over,Why the beach is bad, School trips and many more. Good luck to all the other students writing speeches.
Most people don't like presenting speeches because they get nervous. I don't think we should have to a speech if we don't want to.       
                            Jacob lambie


In Directions we do very fun things there's lots of awesome things to do like Imovie,Finger puppets and lots more.Do you want to know what I chose I chose Painting because it seems like fun.It is so so much fun at the moment were, learning to paint ourselves from the front view and side view of our face then put them together.I think when mine is done it will look amazing when it is finished.The teacher that is the aching me to paint is Miss Mynes. By Aimee

Friday, 20 July 2012


Welcome to Room 2's Blog. Let's see who manages to post a blog. JC