In HanmerSprings it was a hot burning sunny day. My Nana drove my family to a side of a scary looking clift but if but if you look up you can see lots of mountains it was so cool I could see snow on the mountains. We got in the clean shine car and drove to HanmerSprings my Pop brought a house for as to stay for 1 week when we got there it was my Mums and Uncles birthday party my fun looking Uncle was turning 27 and my Mum was turning 27 too. My fun looking uncle said we can go to the pools and when we got to the pools it was amazing because there was a big boiling ring. In the big boiling ring there was lots of sparking water. On my fourth day in HanmerSprings i went in a terrifying scary looking maze it has words to find in it.It had a waterfall in it and at the end of the maze my stepdad gave me his chocolate coin because he could not eat chocolate so I ate it up. It was the best day in HanmerSprings.
By Reagan
By Reagan