Room 10 2016

Friday 6 December 2013

My Christmas

This year I'm having two days of Christmas. One on the Sunday before Christmas and the second on the 25th of Dec. we're having it on the Sunday because Nana is'nt going to the crib where we usauly have Christmas. We have started to put decorations around  the room. we're deciding what Christmas tree to have which really sucks because my family will take a long time deciding and I just want to get it over and done WITH! By Jackson.

Thursday 5 December 2013


Christmas crackers.
 Interesting presents.
Mum and Dad.

 By Caitlin.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Lani's acrostic poems


Annoying ( Sometimes.)



Lachlan's Poem


By Lachlan

The lost Kitten

One sunny day in a very tidy neighbour hood in Te Anau. Oogie a small ginger, tabby kitten was out walking trying to find an adventure. As he jumped up onto a wodden wall, he heard a loud scratching noise. Oogie was feeling rather curious. He looked round the corner to see an extremely skinny grey blue Burmese cat. The grey cat slowly turned around, his green eyes sparkling. Suddenly the cat pounced and he was on top of Oogie. Oogie thought he was a goner. Oogie finally got free and had to dodge roses, dustbins and boxes. When he finally made it to the wodden fence, leading to his house he jumped over it and glanced behind him. The grey cat turned back, because he knew he knew he couldn't catch Oogie. 

Oogie rushed home and had his dinner. He felt scared of the cat but wanted to find out more. He wondered about that cat, the next day he went back to where the grey cat was the other day. He found the poor homeless sick cat eating out of the bins. Oogie felt sorry for the cat and he called out, 
"Do you want some food?" 
Oogie was scared in case the grey cat pounced on him again. The grey cat turned around, he decided it was worth a chance as he was sick of eating out of the bins.
Oogie said, "If you do come you can't hurt me."
"Fine," said the grey cat. He was a bit scared himself.
The grey cat followed Oogie with caution.

When they arrived at Oogies place, they snuck through the cat door. The grey cat thought Oogies place was tidy and stylish. There was cat nuts, jelly meet, milk and water. The grey cat started eating he loved the food because as a wild cat this was paradise. He spilled milk and water everywhere because he was eating the food so fast. Suddenly there was a click at the door and the owner of  Oogie walked in, she saw Bob picked him up and placed him outside. Oogie followed. Grace the owner of Oogie decided to find the owner of Bob.
As they walked Bob ran ahead and hid. Oogie kept walking, Grace knew that Oogie would be able to find Bob because cats have great sense of hearing and smell.

When Oogie found Bob, Grace had a proper look at him. He was a grey blue Burmesse Minx cross.She realised the cat needed medical attention. She ran back home with Oogie in hands. As she arrived home her mum pulled into the driveway. She told her mum all about the cat. They rushed over Graces mum was curious about the cat as she was a vet. When they saw the cat the cat her mum checked it all over, the cat had a broken leg and was really sick. Graces mum rushed Bob to the vets. Bob had to have a plaster for 6 weeks and had to be on antibiotics called amoxicillin for 3 weeks. After that he could go up for adoption. In the end Grace and her mum adopted Bob. Bob and Oogie became great friends and had a very good life together.

By Geena


1.Before man discovered Mt. Everest,what was the tallest mountain in the world?

2.What belongs to you but others use it more then you do?

3.How can you throw a ball 20 meters, and have it come back to you without hitting anything?

4.Timmy's mother has three children.The first was named April.The next was named May.

What is the final ones name?

By Justin

Monday 2 December 2013



My beans are 30cm tall, they are growing beans that are at least 2cm long. If you are wondering how I look after my beans so they don't die or snap I tie a piece of string to a stick for it to hold it from blowing over, and I give it at least 2 cups of water (from the tap) to keep it healthy and strong and that will keep it going for 2 and a half days so if you have any sort of plants except for plants that live in water look after it and keep it strong and healthy and don't let your parents cut down any trees.