Room 10 2016

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Kelly Tartons

Last week room 1 was learning ways to grab attention here's my one that I shared in assembly.

We payed the cash to get into Kelly Tartans. As we stepped in there was a under water viewing platform  to see the penguins diving. They were really cute with black and white fur with a orange beak. In the next room was a small restaurant. I had a slushy. The flavour was orange juice it was nice and cold. Their was a awesome show of Stingrays. The man was tall with curly blond hair. The Stingrays hopped on his black silk wet suit awaiting for their daily eat of small fish. In their with the giant Stingrays were gigantic fish with fangs!

Next was a tube that use to be a sewer! In their was ferocious Sharks. I asked my Mum if i could go cage diving she said no. A sign said to look for the Conga Eel Shark. It was behind a totem  pole.

In the next room was my favourite animal a Octopus I'm very surprised it hasn't escaped the tank because they have no bones. Their were also some eel's. "They look very disgusting," said my Nana with a horid face.
But their it was swimming in the next tank a puffed up puffer fish. Wait even better... a Lion fish with its sharp as a knife back. That was a awesome day at Kelly Tartons.

By Jackson K-W.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a nice time at Kelly Tartons.

    By Aaron Torrie
