Room 10 2016
Friday, 6 December 2013
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Christmas crackers.
Interesting presents.
Mum and Dad.
By Caitlin.
Interesting presents.
Mum and Dad.
By Caitlin.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Lani's acrostic poems
Annoying ( Sometimes.)
Lachlan's Poem
By Lachlan
The lost Kitten
One sunny day in a very tidy neighbour hood in Te Anau. Oogie a small ginger, tabby kitten was out walking trying to find an adventure. As he jumped up onto a wodden wall, he heard a loud scratching noise. Oogie was feeling rather curious. He looked round the corner to see an extremely skinny grey blue Burmese cat. The grey cat slowly turned around, his green eyes sparkling. Suddenly the cat pounced and he was on top of Oogie. Oogie thought he was a goner. Oogie finally got free and had to dodge roses, dustbins and boxes. When he finally made it to the wodden fence, leading to his house he jumped over it and glanced behind him. The grey cat turned back, because he knew he knew he couldn't catch Oogie.
Oogie rushed home and had his dinner. He felt scared of the cat but wanted to find out more. He wondered about that cat, the next day he went back to where the grey cat was the other day. He found the poor homeless sick cat eating out of the bins. Oogie felt sorry for the cat and he called out,
"Do you want some food?"
Oogie was scared in case the grey cat pounced on him again. The grey cat turned around, he decided it was worth a chance as he was sick of eating out of the bins.
Oogie said, "If you do come you can't hurt me."
"Fine," said the grey cat. He was a bit scared himself.
The grey cat followed Oogie with caution.
When they arrived at Oogies place, they snuck through the cat door. The grey cat thought Oogies place was tidy and stylish. There was cat nuts, jelly meet, milk and water. The grey cat started eating he loved the food because as a wild cat this was paradise. He spilled milk and water everywhere because he was eating the food so fast. Suddenly there was a click at the door and the owner of Oogie walked in, she saw Bob picked him up and placed him outside. Oogie followed. Grace the owner of Oogie decided to find the owner of Bob.
As they walked Bob ran ahead and hid. Oogie kept walking, Grace knew that Oogie would be able to find Bob because cats have great sense of hearing and smell.
When Oogie found Bob, Grace had a proper look at him. He was a grey blue Burmesse Minx cross.She realised the cat needed medical attention. She ran back home with Oogie in hands. As she arrived home her mum pulled into the driveway. She told her mum all about the cat. They rushed over Graces mum was curious about the cat as she was a vet. When they saw the cat the cat her mum checked it all over, the cat had a broken leg and was really sick. Graces mum rushed Bob to the vets. Bob had to have a plaster for 6 weeks and had to be on antibiotics called amoxicillin for 3 weeks. After that he could go up for adoption. In the end Grace and her mum adopted Bob. Bob and Oogie became great friends and had a very good life together.
By Geena
Oogie rushed home and had his dinner. He felt scared of the cat but wanted to find out more. He wondered about that cat, the next day he went back to where the grey cat was the other day. He found the poor homeless sick cat eating out of the bins. Oogie felt sorry for the cat and he called out,
"Do you want some food?"
Oogie was scared in case the grey cat pounced on him again. The grey cat turned around, he decided it was worth a chance as he was sick of eating out of the bins.
Oogie said, "If you do come you can't hurt me."
"Fine," said the grey cat. He was a bit scared himself.
The grey cat followed Oogie with caution.
When they arrived at Oogies place, they snuck through the cat door. The grey cat thought Oogies place was tidy and stylish. There was cat nuts, jelly meet, milk and water. The grey cat started eating he loved the food because as a wild cat this was paradise. He spilled milk and water everywhere because he was eating the food so fast. Suddenly there was a click at the door and the owner of Oogie walked in, she saw Bob picked him up and placed him outside. Oogie followed. Grace the owner of Oogie decided to find the owner of Bob.
As they walked Bob ran ahead and hid. Oogie kept walking, Grace knew that Oogie would be able to find Bob because cats have great sense of hearing and smell.
When Oogie found Bob, Grace had a proper look at him. He was a grey blue Burmesse Minx cross.She realised the cat needed medical attention. She ran back home with Oogie in hands. As she arrived home her mum pulled into the driveway. She told her mum all about the cat. They rushed over Graces mum was curious about the cat as she was a vet. When they saw the cat the cat her mum checked it all over, the cat had a broken leg and was really sick. Graces mum rushed Bob to the vets. Bob had to have a plaster for 6 weeks and had to be on antibiotics called amoxicillin for 3 weeks. After that he could go up for adoption. In the end Grace and her mum adopted Bob. Bob and Oogie became great friends and had a very good life together.
By Geena
1.Before man discovered Mt. Everest,what was the tallest mountain in the world?
2.What belongs to you but others use it more then you do?
3.How can you throw a ball 20 meters, and have it come back to you without hitting anything?
4.Timmy's mother has three children.The first was named April.The next was named May.
What is the final ones name?
By Justin
2.What belongs to you but others use it more then you do?
3.How can you throw a ball 20 meters, and have it come back to you without hitting anything?
4.Timmy's mother has three children.The first was named April.The next was named May.
What is the final ones name?
By Justin
Monday, 2 December 2013
My beans are 30cm tall, they are growing beans that are at least 2cm long. If you are wondering how I look after my beans so they don't die or snap I tie a piece of string to a stick for it to hold it from blowing over, and I give it at least 2 cups of water (from the tap) to keep it healthy and strong and that will keep it going for 2 and a half days so if you have any sort of plants except for plants that live in water look after it and keep it strong and healthy and don't let your parents cut down any trees.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
In HanmerSprings it was a hot burning sunny day. My Nana drove my family to a side of a scary looking clift but if but if you look up you can see lots of mountains it was so cool I could see snow on the mountains. We got in the clean shine car and drove to HanmerSprings my Pop brought a house for as to stay for 1 week when we got there it was my Mums and Uncles birthday party my fun looking Uncle was turning 27 and my Mum was turning 27 too. My fun looking uncle said we can go to the pools and when we got to the pools it was amazing because there was a big boiling ring. In the big boiling ring there was lots of sparking water. On my fourth day in HanmerSprings i went in a terrifying scary looking maze it has words to find in it.It had a waterfall in it and at the end of the maze my stepdad gave me his chocolate coin because he could not eat chocolate so I ate it up. It was the best day in HanmerSprings.
By Reagan
By Reagan
Winton School
Winton School has over 270 students from year 0-8. There is 12 classrooms, a hall and a library. Winton School has more than 15 teachers. Winton School is cool and has heaps of room to play. The main topics are English, maths, reading, writing and topic.
In the morning in some classes there is maths, handwriting or English. Whatever the class is doing in this time it goes to 10:30. On a Thursday some teachers do a basic facts test. A basic facts test can either be a 2,4,5 or 6 minute test. Some basic facts are times tables, addition or subtraction. For handwriting the teacher puts a letter or a poem on the whiteboard that the class needs to copy into their books. English is when we learn about putting commas in the right or adjectives, verbs and other things like that.
In the afternoon most classes have topic. Topic is a subject when you learn about things you wouldn't learn in maths, reading or writing. Sometimes classes do P.E or art. P.E stands for physical education. Sometimes teachers send kids for runs or take us for a game such as T-ball or long ball. At 2:45pm school is released and everyone gets to go home. On a Friday there is touch and it can be played by boys and girls. Some people do other activities such as swimming, netball and rugby practice. Or some people just go home and do homework.
By Geena
By Geena
Why dinosaurs are no longer on earth
Millions of years ago there was a village not a a dumb village a village by the lake that has lots of grass and cool things.The village was called Wong.There was a chief called Bob.He had black hair,blue eyes,a powerful throw,long legs and arms.He had wife called Gen and had two buys and one girl called Anne,Jayden and John
Bob heard that some dinosaurs are coming to eat all of our meat and all of our food.Bob the chief said no this ant going to happens so he had to end all of the dinosaurs.The group of dinosaurs said let's go and take over the village and eat all of there meat and food.Bob need his knife go kill them but Bobs family were all scared so Bob took them to the panic room where it was nice and safe.The group of dinosaurs were about the size of a building and took around half an hour to kill one dinosaur because they were huge.
The people in the village were scared and staving because they didn't won't to go out side because of all the dinosaurs.The family's were hungry so the chief Bob had to kill them nut every day heaps keep on coming back so Bob rang his mates and said can yous help our village they said yes.Bobs mates come and started killing them but one day they stoped coming bacause there were no more to kill so all the family's got food and fresh air.
Bob and the crew were still watching for any more dangerous things that came to the village to scary. Thefamiys away so the people gave the crew a 100 dollars.So when more dinosaurs come back to the village the crew. Would kill them so that why dinosaurs are no longer on earth.
Bob heard that some dinosaurs are coming to eat all of our meat and all of our food.Bob the chief said no this ant going to happens so he had to end all of the dinosaurs.The group of dinosaurs said let's go and take over the village and eat all of there meat and food.Bob need his knife go kill them but Bobs family were all scared so Bob took them to the panic room where it was nice and safe.The group of dinosaurs were about the size of a building and took around half an hour to kill one dinosaur because they were huge.
The people in the village were scared and staving because they didn't won't to go out side because of all the dinosaurs.The family's were hungry so the chief Bob had to kill them nut every day heaps keep on coming back so Bob rang his mates and said can yous help our village they said yes.Bobs mates come and started killing them but one day they stoped coming bacause there were no more to kill so all the family's got food and fresh air.
Bob and the crew were still watching for any more dangerous things that came to the village to scary. Thefamiys away so the people gave the crew a 100 dollars.So when more dinosaurs come back to the village the crew. Would kill them so that why dinosaurs are no longer on earth.
How light affects plant growth
In room1 this term we have been focusing on how plants grow or how light affects plant growth.
All plants need water, food, light and warmth to grow if a plant doesn't have all these things it will die.A plant needs chlorophll so that it can grow big and have a nice green colour and can be a very tall plant.the plant will need. Lot's of energy to be a very big bean tree.
If a plant doesn't have light it won't grow and wont get any food or water from the root all the way to plant and won't be able to get any energy so then it will die straight away.If the plant has no light it wont be able to change to any colours.
Plants can't grow in the dark because if a plant has no light or energy it will not grow and it will die.
If a plant has no light or energy it won't change colours. The most common colours for a plant to change to is dark green and light green.
Plants grow all around the world in many different climates but none can grow without light.
By Regan.
Aaron's Explanation
How Light Affects Plant Growth?
A plant needs water, nutrients, light and warmth to grow. If the plant doesn't have these things it will die.
If a plant has light and a little bit of warmth it will grow like a normal plant would. When the plant is green it means the sun has been shining on it causing it to make chlorophyll. All plants have water and light will stay healthy and grow bigger and bigger.
Plants that don't have any light will go pale and the leaves will start to go brown and die. The roots won't be able to suck up any nutrients or water to the plant. With no light the plant will droop because it has no energy to stay up straight. The root will flop over and the plant won't have any support holding it up.
Some plants can grow in the dark. To test to see if plants can grow in the dark. The plants will need the same amount of water so then it is a fair test. After a while the plant will go pale because it hasn't had any light to photosynthesis. Plants can survive for a little bit because the production that harmones is stimulated by the dark which makes suppressed light.
Finally the rest of the plant will start to fade out because of no sunlight, chlorophyll or nutrients. The colour will be an orangey brownish. All the other parts will have no strength and start to rot.
Plants grow every where and many different places. They grow in all conditions like hot weather or cold. No plants can grow without light.
By Aaron.
A plant needs water, nutrients, light and warmth to grow. If the plant doesn't have these things it will die.
If a plant has light and a little bit of warmth it will grow like a normal plant would. When the plant is green it means the sun has been shining on it causing it to make chlorophyll. All plants have water and light will stay healthy and grow bigger and bigger.
Plants that don't have any light will go pale and the leaves will start to go brown and die. The roots won't be able to suck up any nutrients or water to the plant. With no light the plant will droop because it has no energy to stay up straight. The root will flop over and the plant won't have any support holding it up.
Some plants can grow in the dark. To test to see if plants can grow in the dark. The plants will need the same amount of water so then it is a fair test. After a while the plant will go pale because it hasn't had any light to photosynthesis. Plants can survive for a little bit because the production that harmones is stimulated by the dark which makes suppressed light.
Finally the rest of the plant will start to fade out because of no sunlight, chlorophyll or nutrients. The colour will be an orangey brownish. All the other parts will have no strength and start to rot.
Plants grow every where and many different places. They grow in all conditions like hot weather or cold. No plants can grow without light.
By Aaron.
Two dads arguing over who has the toughest son.
Actors: Dad1, Dad2.
Scene: The dads are sitting outside on outdoor chairs.
Dad1: David is way tougher then Lawrence.
Dad2:No he's not. I bet David can't push a car.
Dad1: Actually David can carry a V6.
Dad2:Thats nothing Lawrence can carry a elephant.
Dad1:Ha David can carry 5 dump trucks and two elephants.
Dad2: Not at the same time,Lawrence can knock out David with one punch.
Dad1:David can K.O Lawrence with one flick.
Dad2: Wanna bet on it?
Dad1:You're on!
David wins
By Madilyn.
Scene: The dads are sitting outside on outdoor chairs.
Dad1: David is way tougher then Lawrence.
Dad2:No he's not. I bet David can't push a car.
Dad1: Actually David can carry a V6.
Dad2:Thats nothing Lawrence can carry a elephant.
Dad1:Ha David can carry 5 dump trucks and two elephants.
Dad2: Not at the same time,Lawrence can knock out David with one punch.
Dad1:David can K.O Lawrence with one flick.
Dad2: Wanna bet on it?
Dad1:You're on!
David wins
By Madilyn.
Our School Day
In room 1 this term we have been doing explanations this explanation is on our school day I hope you enjoy.
School is a place for kids to learn, play and have fun so you can learn to be an adult
In the morning at 9 pm we sit down at our desk and wait for the roll. The roll is when the teacher see's if you are here or not here. After the roll Room1 does handwriting. Handwriting is when you test your neatness. After Room1 does maths. Maths is when you have numbers and you +, -, divide and multiply from numbers. After maths we have morning tea. Morning tea is when Room1 has food the play for 30 minutes.
After Room1 has morning tea Room1 has reading Reading is when you read a book then answer the questions with a full sentence answer. After Room 1 reads Room1 does writing. Writing is when your brain imagine something then put it in writing text. After Room 1writes Room1 has lunch. Lunch is when you eat for ten minutes then a bell rings then put your hand up then a teacher will let you go for a 35 minute play.
After you play for 35 minutes Room 1 does silent reading. Silent reading is when Room1 reads a book silently. After Room1 reads silently Room 1 has topic. Topic is when Room1 does experiments like put a plant in a jar with no water.
After topic we go home in the correct uniform so people know that Room1 is from Winton School.
By Jack
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
How plants grow
Plants are living things, there are more then 100 types and they are known all over the world.
Seeds may look dead when people plant them, but they aren't. There just getting ready to germination. germination means "begins to grow." Plants suck up water, the water is taken in, then the seed starts to swell bigger and bigger until the seed coat cracks, air then can get to the seed. Flowers also burn food, burning food produces energy for the flower. The seed also has a seed coat.
Plants grow by water. Water Carry's nutrients which is used to make there food. Flowers make there own food using nutrients and carbon dioxide. Roots suck water up through the stem into the leaves, shoots or flowers. If a flower gets to much water it sucks it up and turns it into vapour. Two things that plants needs to grow is photosynthesis and respiration. They also make food for the plant.
People can plant seeds indoors and outdoors. Some vege don't like to be transplanted. Transplanted means "to move it to one place to another."
People like to plant plants, vege or fruit because it saves money, it's fun to do and it's fun to see what they'll form into.
Plants, vege and fruit are important to the world because they provide oxygen and food for animals and people.
By Blake.
Black tree fern
There are 3
different kinds
of ferns.
Ferns have 2
distinct life cycle
Ferns grow in moist
forested areas .
The uses of the
black fern tree trunks
are for building materials.
By Reagan
Friday, 27 September 2013
Term 3 Reflection
This term in Room 1 I am proud of my speech because I thought I wrote it quite well and I wasn't as nervous about presenting it as normal.
I think my biggest improvements this term have been in maths because I have gotten a lot quicker at working out answers and I also know a variety of strategies.
My favourite subject this term has been topic because I like filmmaking and my least favourite has been English because I find it too easy.
Next term I would like to get more questions completed during reading time. I will achieve this by learning to write quicker.
My favourite subject this term has been topic because I like filmmaking and my least favourite has been English because I find it too easy.
Next term I would like to get more questions completed during reading time. I will achieve this by learning to write quicker.
Geena's reflection
This term I was proud of my whale of a tail story as I did it about cats.
I feel I've made my biggest improvement in maths as Mrs Collett has made it easy with fractions. I also think my spelling as I've passed my whole essential lists.
My favourite subject was maths because I find learning fractions easier now. My least favourite subject was reading because it was a bit boring.
Next term I want to keep up with my maths by staying focused and paying attention.
By Geena
The thing I am proud of is the pokatu play and it is a shame I was away sick.
You can under stand my writing better know,it makes more sense.
You can under stand my writing better know,it makes more sense.
Madilyn's Term Reflection.
Something I accomplished in this term is my reading because I learnt how to say and read difficult words.
Also I use expression now and I am better at my comprehension.
In my maths I have made a big improvement because I have learnt lots and because I now lots that I didn't know last term. In my division.
My least favourite subject was writing because I can never finish my stories. My favourite subject is topic because we did who's the teacher and doing imovie on the ipads was fun.
What I hope to achieve next term is bring and finish my homework on time. I will do ths by doing all my homework one night and put it in my bag that night.
By Madilyn Gwynn.
Also I use expression now and I am better at my comprehension.
In my maths I have made a big improvement because I have learnt lots and because I now lots that I didn't know last term. In my division.
My least favourite subject was writing because I can never finish my stories. My favourite subject is topic because we did who's the teacher and doing imovie on the ipads was fun.
What I hope to achieve next term is bring and finish my homework on time. I will do ths by doing all my homework one night and put it in my bag that night.
By Madilyn Gwynn.
Term 3 2013 reflection
I am proud of my spelling because I have been practicing my spelling words every day and I have got better.
My biggest improvements will be my neatness because I have improved lot from last year.
My least favorite subjects is decimals because I don't really get it yet.
I like writing because I have learnt new things.
By Luke McMaster.
My biggest improvements will be my neatness because I have improved lot from last year.
My least favorite subjects is decimals because I don't really get it yet.
I like writing because I have learnt new things.
By Luke McMaster.
Term Learning
This term I have learnt a lot about improper fractions and mixed fractions for example 46/6 = 7 4/6.
and then i have learnt to put it back in to a improper fractions I also learnt about ratios. I now find numeracy fun and same with strand.
and then i have learnt to put it back in to a improper fractions I also learnt about ratios. I now find numeracy fun and same with strand.
Aimee's Term 3 2013 REFLECTION
Something I accomplished this term: is being able to write a story with more detail and learning most of my divisions.
What area do I feel I made my biggest improvements in: I feel I made my biggest improvements in maths and writing because I used to not know my division but know I do. Also my writing, I used to not know how to put in detail in but now I do.
My favourite subject and my least favourite subjects this term are: My favourite subject this term would be 'Who's the Teacher?' because we got to Film and Edit things. My least favourite subject would be reading because you have to look for the answers.
My Goals I hope to achieve in Term 4 are: My maths and spelling things also getting into more activities with other students in the Class.
What area do I feel I made my biggest improvements in: I feel I made my biggest improvements in maths and writing because I used to not know my division but know I do. Also my writing, I used to not know how to put in detail in but now I do.
My favourite subject and my least favourite subjects this term are: My favourite subject this term would be 'Who's the Teacher?' because we got to Film and Edit things. My least favourite subject would be reading because you have to look for the answers.
My Goals I hope to achieve in Term 4 are: My maths and spelling things also getting into more activities with other students in the Class.
I am proud of my Whale of a Tale story because I think it is a good and catchy story. It was also fun to write.
My favourite subject is my 'Who's the teacher?" because it could teach people how to improve their weaknesses.
My least favourite subject was speeches because I really don't like preforming in front people.
I think I have made my biggest improvement in my three times tables because I was working on them for ages and I finally passed.
Term 3 Reflection
Something I have accomplished is my reading because I went up a group.
In the area I made my biggest improvements is reading because I am more fluent at my reading.
My favourite thing we did was maths because I got a lot more questions correct in my test.
My least favourite is My writing because I could'nt think of anything to think of.
I hope to get better at writing because I need to get a lot better.
My favourite thing we did was maths because I got a lot more questions correct in my test.
My least favourite is My writing because I could'nt think of anything to think of.
I hope to get better at writing because I need to get a lot better.
This term
Term 3 was fun because we went to camp Queenstown.
At camp Queenstown we went gold panning in Arowtown. We went on the gondolas and the luge.
The luge was fun because it was fun and I nearly flipped.
This term the weather was good in a way but also bad.
We had snow and rain the snow was fun but when faces and snow mix it's not pretty.
By Hunter Jackson
Term3 reflection
I'm proud of my whale of a tale because it was long and interesting.My favourite subject would be topic because we used lots of technology and I think ours was the best.My least favourite subject is reading because it is very dull. But apart from that term 3 has been very fun.
Term 3 reflection
I am proud of my maths because I am getting better at my times tables,basic facts and fraction.
The area i made my biggest improvement in are writing and maths because I am putting the speech marks in the right place and because I am on 2 minutes for maths. My favourite subject is maths because I am getting a lot better at it. My least favourite is reading because I don't understand the questions that much. My goal for next term is to be better at reading because so I can understand the questions and move up a higher group.
Something I have accomplished this term is maths because I'm getting a lot better at my fractions and decimals.
The area what I feel I made my biggest improvements are writing because last year I wrote a shorter. but now i can add more detail and write longer speeches and recounts.
My favourite subjects are maths, reading, topic and writing because I like learning different things and learning more. My least favourite subject is writing but since we have been doing more fun ways to write. I like it a bit better.
My goals I hope to achieve next term is reading because I need to read the questions right to get a higher standard.
By Aaron.
The area what I feel I made my biggest improvements are writing because last year I wrote a shorter. but now i can add more detail and write longer speeches and recounts.
My favourite subjects are maths, reading, topic and writing because I like learning different things and learning more. My least favourite subject is writing but since we have been doing more fun ways to write. I like it a bit better.
My goals I hope to achieve next term is reading because I need to read the questions right to get a higher standard.
By Aaron.
Something I accomplished this term and am proud of is my speech because I got to finish it and it was awesome. Ms Mynes liked it.
I have improved in my Writing because this term I wrote better speech and write longer writing.
My favourite Subjects are art, sport and handwriting because art is fun, sport is really cool and Handwriting was better. I could work on my sloping and be a bit neater because I slopped more one way than the other way.
By Tu Meeke
Term 3 2013 Reflection
The thing that I am proud of the most is my speech because I was able to write a 2 and a half minute speech. I am also proud of my handwriting because I've been able to change the way I write with my hand.
The area I felt I made the biggest improvement was my writing because I've been able to write bigger story's and I've also been able to put more meaning in to my writing.
The area I felt I made the biggest improvement was my writing because I've been able to write bigger story's and I've also been able to put more meaning in to my writing.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Friday, 16 August 2013
What to write about what to write a about brown. Brown is the colour of ducks and brunches. Brown is the colour of sheep poe and cow poe and dog poes. There are brown deer and brown pigs. some leaves are brown and chairs are brown. There is brown paper and hedgehogs. There is brown books and pencils and felts. Brown is the colour of possums and houses. And cupboards and doors.
By Luke McMaster
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
In the second week of the holidays my family and I went to Dunedin. It took us about a couple of hours to get to Dunedin.on the way there I felt car sick and about to vomit. As we got in to Dunedin my aunty said can we stop to get the kids something to eat yes said my mum. After that we quickly rushed into the hospital and signed my aunty in because we were running late. Me my grandad and two brother waited for almost an hour. When the appointment was done we went to McDonalds for something to eat. Then we went home on the way home
Friday, 2 August 2013
My sister and I were so excited to go to Orawia to visit our cousins on the first week of the holidays. We went there on Sunday and stayed there until Wednesday because our cousins were going to Dunedin.
Then on the second week of the holidays we went to Orawia again on Saturday for our cousin (Riley's) birthday party. It was a disco. We had food and drinks and a discoball. We also had to dress up. UGLY. I wore a ugly dress I had, purple tights with spiders on them, a fuzzy wig and ugly river boots. Heaps of people came up to me saying,"Here's your present Riley." Because my wig looked like her hair all fuzzed up. Then after the disco we went for a tiki tour to Stumps. Casie fell asleep in the van and on the floor at Stumps. Mum had too much to drink and pulled down my cousin (Sophie's) pants and she was so embarrassed. So we went out to the van and we were in the van for 3 and a 1/2 hours. just Sophie and I Mum cuddled Stump way before we left his house.
We left Stumps about 12:30am. We got home to Livia's house around about 1am. Casie slept in her clown suit. Sophie and I slept on the couches because we wanted to and we didn't get to sleep until about 1:30am. Mathew said he got to sleep at about 2:30am.
Then on the second week of the holidays we went to Orawia again on Saturday for our cousin (Riley's) birthday party. It was a disco. We had food and drinks and a discoball. We also had to dress up. UGLY. I wore a ugly dress I had, purple tights with spiders on them, a fuzzy wig and ugly river boots. Heaps of people came up to me saying,"Here's your present Riley." Because my wig looked like her hair all fuzzed up. Then after the disco we went for a tiki tour to Stumps. Casie fell asleep in the van and on the floor at Stumps. Mum had too much to drink and pulled down my cousin (Sophie's) pants and she was so embarrassed. So we went out to the van and we were in the van for 3 and a 1/2 hours. just Sophie and I Mum cuddled Stump way before we left his house.
We left Stumps about 12:30am. We got home to Livia's house around about 1am. Casie slept in her clown suit. Sophie and I slept on the couches because we wanted to and we didn't get to sleep until about 1:30am. Mathew said he got to sleep at about 2:30am.
Corey Ross's holidays
In the holidays I stayed at my grandads for three days (even though it felt like three.....hundred).It was rather cold but after awhile I got used to it.When I was on my way there I got very,very,VERY bored because I had to stay in the car for at least half an hour with a chihuahua named Golum that had bad breath.
On the second day me and Ozzy (not Golum the chihuahua) went for a walk down the road.Ozzy is my favourite dog because every morning I sit down on the couch Ozzy comes up to me and rubs agaist my leg so I give him a pat.
When I was leaving Ozzy wanted to come with me but I didn't let him.
On the second day me and Ozzy (not Golum the chihuahua) went for a walk down the road.Ozzy is my favourite dog because every morning I sit down on the couch Ozzy comes up to me and rubs agaist my leg so I give him a pat.
When I was leaving Ozzy wanted to come with me but I didn't let him.
The holidays by Reagan W
My brother and I went on the smallest plane to Christchurch. It took us 1 whole hour and 20 minutes. We clambered of the stairs of the smallest airplane I saw my Mum and my Nana. I rushed over to see them because I haven't seen them in a long time. We grabbed our bags and put them in the back of the van
In the first week of the holidays my family and I went to Dunedin. I felt sick from the car ride up. Mum had to stop a few times. After the two hour ride we finally got to Dunedin. It was about, say 9:00 am when we got there, we were staying at a motel. Mum got the key CLICK. We looked in and THERE WAS A WHOLE BUNCH OF STAIRS!!! I got up stairs and went to bed. In the morning we got woken up at 7:30am, we had breakfast, got ready and we were off. We went straight to the family fun shop. We looked at most of the things we eventually picked the Earnslaw. We were so early we waited and waited and WAITED. It finally came there was a big line as we walk on we get our picture taken. The first thing we did was go down STAIRS and look at how the engine works. I also learn't something that I didn't know they use coll. We went up stairs and spent the rest of our time up there it was very windy. The boat stopped we got off for the farm tour they had Lama's, Sheep and Cattle. After that we had something to eat pancakes with jelly and cream on top yummy.
My holiday hunting trip
It was the end of the first week of the holidays, and Dad, Jayden, Dads mate Jay and I were preparing the dogs, and ourselves for a hunt. Jayden and I collared up the dogs , and put them in the dog boxes, I grabbed the hunting permits and off we went in the truck, Jayden and Jay lead the way on the motorbikes. "Have we got the knives?" Dad asked.
"I think so," I replied. So we pulled over to check.Yep. We arrived at the gate of the Motu hunting block. The gate was locked(no surprise) so Jayden and I slid his little two wheeler under it and Jay drove around it. Well, he tried but the entry was a bit steep. So Dad jumped on the front to weigh down the bike and that worked. As we drove, the dogs ran in front of the bike trying to sniff out a pig. Then we turned the bike off. I took Dads lazy, old main dog, chief, down to the pond for a drink cause he was exhausted. Jayden's dog, Jaws and Dad's dog, Thunder were off. We heard the squeal of a pig, well more of a grunt."Sounds like a monster!" Jay said.Dad said that Jay seems a bit retarded, but don't get me wrong that pig sounded BIG. We took off, Dad and Jay in front. I felt a rush of adrenalin down my spine. Yes, Pig On!
Basketball tournament
On Monday in the last week of the holidays Henry, Grace, Dad, Grace my sisters friend and I went up to Dunedin for my sisters basketball. We had to get up at 5: 30!!!!!! to drive to Dunedin we had to drop off the girls at the Edgar Centre. We stayed at my Dad's sister house far the night and in the morning we had to get up and go shopping and then went home.
By Lochie
Carlos and I were really excited about going to Kids Zone. The first thing was to wait in line than some people entertain us wail we all wait. The first thing I went to was the Mini Jeeps and me and Carlos keeper on crashing so Adam told Carlos not to keep bumping in to me so Carlos got kick off the Mini Jeeps. The next thing I went to was the make a cookie in a cup. After eating it we went and got a face paint I got a skeleton and then I got a Tattoo and it was a hippy sigh. I went to hips of the activity.
Kid zone
I was so excited because today I'm going to Kid zone with Willis. At 9:00 he will be coming to pick me up. The door bell rung and I zoomed like a racing car to get it. I opened the door and hopped into the car. Then we drove off like we weren't even there. It took us about 30 minutes to Invercargill. When we got to Kid zone, Willis and I went on the zorbs. Once we got in them we were trying to crash into each other. I did it a couple of times. But then I just fell back like I was a flat pancake, then relaxed because we were so num. Then it was time up. So the man grabbed me and dragged me onto a soft sponge. Straight after we went on the green machines. I started doing mean as drifties. Just before lunch we went to a room called Sew There. It was a place where you could make a mask or an animal sack. The people gave us the material and sheets of paper to make a pig sack.
Luke's holidays
The first week of the holidays Mum,Abbey and I went up to Dunedin to see my cousins. We stayed the night at my Aunties. The next day later we went to Dispicable Me 2. After a good time at the movies we went to Smiggle. At Smiggle I got 3 rubbers a pencil case and a pencil sharpener.
About four days into the school holidays, I was relaxing on the couch with a good book, when mum came into the room. She told me that the time had come. "No, it hasn't ," I whimpered. I had been dreading that day for weeks, trying to find a way around it, but I couldn't. I had to face the fact that my extremely annoying cousins, all three of them,we're coming to ruin my holidays. I didn't know how I would cope.The terrible trio was made up of a five year old, a two-and-a-half-year-old, and a five month old baby, complete with siren mouth and toxic nappies.
On the first Wednesday of the holidays my friend Lachlan had a sleepover at my house. We played on the computer. The next day we went to Kid zone. It was a long hour drive in the car but I knew it was worth it once. We got to Kid zone we went straight to the zorbs we were in the line for hour and a half when it was my go I got in and waited for it to be blown up then it was pushed on to the water. It was impossible to stand up or run once we were finished we went to the movies to watch monsters university. When it ended we meet up with my sister and her friend who watched despicable me 2. They went to a candy store and got Harry potter jelly beans there were so many different flavours. Sadly my sister the mean person she is gave me... A vomit flavoured one is was amazing how they made the flavour but the flavour sucked. We had KFC for tea and then took Lachlan home.
By Reuben
Friday, 12 July 2013
All writing lesson
Room one has a All Writing Group today they gave us a lesson. The lesson was writing a story without stopping then they gave us a card and what ever it said on the card we had to write they gave us 1 minute to think and 3 minutes to write. My card said SUN.
The sun is a good thing and a bad thing its a good thing because it is very warm it is also good for roasting MarshMellows on if you go to space.The bad thing is it gives you sun burn and it gets in your eyes when you go outside that really gets me going. And thats why the sun is a good thing and a bad thing. (P.S don't try my idea of roasting MarshMellows over the sun IT WILL ROAST YOU!).
By:Lachlan Harvey
The sun is a good thing and a bad thing its a good thing because it is very warm it is also good for roasting MarshMellows on if you go to space.The bad thing is it gives you sun burn and it gets in your eyes when you go outside that really gets me going. And thats why the sun is a good thing and a bad thing. (P.S don't try my idea of roasting MarshMellows over the sun IT WILL ROAST YOU!).
By:Lachlan Harvey
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Surprise in the box
As me and my friend walked down the snowy street until something light brown caught my eye it was a mouldy old cobwebby box.
With DO NOT OPEN !!! in big bold letters on it but of course I tried to open it.(-=
But it was pad locked shut but my friend found the key buried in the snow.
I put the key through the hole with shaky hands I turned the key.
Slowly I opened the lid and...
A tall masked figure appeared it held a chainsaw in his right hand and an axe dripping in blood in his left.
By Lachlan.H
With DO NOT OPEN !!! in big bold letters on it but of course I tried to open it.(-=
But it was pad locked shut but my friend found the key buried in the snow.
I put the key through the hole with shaky hands I turned the key.
Slowly I opened the lid and...
A tall masked figure appeared it held a chainsaw in his right hand and an axe dripping in blood in his left.
By Lachlan.H
How Winton got it's name
One night my great, great Grandmother told me a story of how Winton got it's name. She said that before Winton got it's name it was called No Name Town.
All the people that lived in No Name Town had nothing the only things that they had was wet, damp houses and old wet clothes. All the kids had nothing, the only things they could play with was sticks out of the streams.
But then one day the Mayor of No Name Town came into town and said,
"This Town needs a name it is bad enough that it's wet, damp and muddy all day everyday. No Name Town is a bad name, so in a fortnight we will have a game. There will be two teams. One of them will be called, "Winton", and the other team will be called, "No Name Town". If Winton wins the town will be called Winton and if it doesn't the town will stay with No Name".
A fortnight later, it was great. It was a warm, sunny day, There was all sorts of equipment for a poor town, There was games like high jump, running, egg spoon, sack race and lots more. That afternoon both teams were competing against each other. Both teams were ready to hear that whistle go, both teams were really excited and really competitive and ready to win. As soon as that whistle went they were off like Cheaters it was amazing.
That mid afternoon, they were about to announce who won the challenge. "WINTON WON"! The Mayor yelled, all the crowd was so happy that they would be living in a town with a great name.
Once the Mayor got the sign up much, much, much more people started coming to live in Winton so that meant that the Mayor got much more money in, so with that money he painted all the houses, got better things in for the shops and he named all the streets.
So thats the story of how Winton got it's name. By Aimee
All the people that lived in No Name Town had nothing the only things that they had was wet, damp houses and old wet clothes. All the kids had nothing, the only things they could play with was sticks out of the streams.
But then one day the Mayor of No Name Town came into town and said,
"This Town needs a name it is bad enough that it's wet, damp and muddy all day everyday. No Name Town is a bad name, so in a fortnight we will have a game. There will be two teams. One of them will be called, "Winton", and the other team will be called, "No Name Town". If Winton wins the town will be called Winton and if it doesn't the town will stay with No Name".
A fortnight later, it was great. It was a warm, sunny day, There was all sorts of equipment for a poor town, There was games like high jump, running, egg spoon, sack race and lots more. That afternoon both teams were competing against each other. Both teams were ready to hear that whistle go, both teams were really excited and really competitive and ready to win. As soon as that whistle went they were off like Cheaters it was amazing.
That mid afternoon, they were about to announce who won the challenge. "WINTON WON"! The Mayor yelled, all the crowd was so happy that they would be living in a town with a great name.
Once the Mayor got the sign up much, much, much more people started coming to live in Winton so that meant that the Mayor got much more money in, so with that money he painted all the houses, got better things in for the shops and he named all the streets.
So thats the story of how Winton got it's name. By Aimee
Friday, 5 July 2013
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Keep shut!.
Keep shut!.
As I walked down the old wooden stairs with the shiny gold key around my neck. I put the gold key into the old rusty padlock and turned the key to open the lid." I counted down from 3. 3,2 oh I cant do this lets have another turn". " 3,2,1 oh I did it so cool". "sports gear so cool and a IPOD TOUCH!" ." This is the best 10th birthday day ever Mum and Dad.
The end.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
FANS - A work in progress
Polyfest Art in Room 1 is well underway. The fans are looking awesome so far and we are all looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Nutty News
One sunny day, Mr Humpty Dumpety was sitting on a hard, rocky wall, eating ice cream. He was waving to any one who was coming his way and saying "what's up yhoul ghoul" Then a big gang of big boys came and pushed him off the wall. They said " Do you want a arm wrestle? If we win you have to go sniff a beehive" "Okay then"
So he came up to the first beehive that came his way. He asked the lady who was walking beside it . "Do you want to see me sniff this beehive?" "Of course not" said the lady. "That's a bit peculiar" said the lady. Humpty said, "PLEASE can I? I'm trying to do a bet. I lost it" The lady moved on and thought in her head "You are a very strange man"
So he went back to the wall and he was trying to get back on it. But he was so dumb that he forgot his grippy shoes. So he went back to the lady and said, "Can I please have my shoes back?" "OH are these yours. I didn't know" Here you go." Up went Humpty on the wall then suddenly a gang of butterflies came, but he didn't know that he was allergic to butterflies. So he sneezed and sneezed then fell off the wall. He broke every part of his body and all the kings horses and his men were gluing and gluing every part they could. For the thousandth time they finally got him back to normal. Then Humpty came back to his wall and started to eat as much food as he could.
BY Aaron
One sunny day, Mr Humpty Dumpety was sitting on a hard, rocky wall, eating ice cream. He was waving to any one who was coming his way and saying "what's up yhoul ghoul" Then a big gang of big boys came and pushed him off the wall. They said " Do you want a arm wrestle? If we win you have to go sniff a beehive" "Okay then"
So he came up to the first beehive that came his way. He asked the lady who was walking beside it . "Do you want to see me sniff this beehive?" "Of course not" said the lady. "That's a bit peculiar" said the lady. Humpty said, "PLEASE can I? I'm trying to do a bet. I lost it" The lady moved on and thought in her head "You are a very strange man"
So he went back to the wall and he was trying to get back on it. But he was so dumb that he forgot his grippy shoes. So he went back to the lady and said, "Can I please have my shoes back?" "OH are these yours. I didn't know" Here you go." Up went Humpty on the wall then suddenly a gang of butterflies came, but he didn't know that he was allergic to butterflies. So he sneezed and sneezed then fell off the wall. He broke every part of his body and all the kings horses and his men were gluing and gluing every part they could. For the thousandth time they finally got him back to normal. Then Humpty came back to his wall and started to eat as much food as he could.
BY Aaron
"Sorry for interrupting this programe." "this just in, a boy named Jack has tripped over a rock and rolled down Well Hill at exactly 12:15" Said the news reporter. We are here with... um i'm sorry I forgot your name."
"Jill,Jill is my name."
"Alright Jill since you were a witness what happened."
"Um alright. It was 12:15, my brother and I were going to Well Hill to get some water, because we don't have any, any way Jack didn't see the rock but I did. He tripped over the rock and rolled down the hill and has brocken his crown."
"OH MY! that seems so deathafiyng that I almost peed my pants."
"Wow too much information Paul Pauling Paulington."
"Oh sorry, back to you Dianne."
"Sorry for interrupting this programe." "this just in, a boy named Jack has tripped over a rock and rolled down Well Hill at exactly 12:15" Said the news reporter. We are here with... um i'm sorry I forgot your name."
"Jill,Jill is my name."
"Alright Jill since you were a witness what happened."
"Um alright. It was 12:15, my brother and I were going to Well Hill to get some water, because we don't have any, any way Jack didn't see the rock but I did. He tripped over the rock and rolled down the hill and has brocken his crown."
"OH MY! that seems so deathafiyng that I almost peed my pants."
"Wow too much information Paul Pauling Paulington."
"Oh sorry, back to you Dianne."
Jack and Jill.
Jack and Jill
Breaking news Jack was up the Wilborn Hill looking for water. Suddenly he fell through a big hole. "We are at the scene now talking to Jill."
"Jill what has happened to Jack"
"I don't know ok".
"Righto fellers call 111 and helicopter to get him out of the hole"
"The helicopter is here. Lets pull him out".
"Hi Jack hi hi hi hi hi Jill".
"How are you Jack GOOOD".
"What the cops are here what!"yelled Jill.
"Jill you are arrested for pushing Jack into the hole".
" What I did nothing wrong."
"Tell it to judge"said the cops.
"I will see you in a 100 years".
"You will be dead in a 100 years."
"That's all right."
By Luke McMaster.
Jack and Jill
"Hello and welcome to 999 news the newest thing is that there has been a new accomplishment at a hill. Two friend have reached the top of one of the highest hills to get a bucket of water. Their names are Jack and jill but Jack ran to fast down the hill tripped on a tree stump and broke his crown. We are now live at the crime scene with Jeem robinson"
"Yes we are here talking to some of the witnesses Bob we now have one of the main witnesses with us. Jill you must be in shock"
"Well Jeem before Jacks terrible accident he said that he would race me down the hill but I said no so he went down the hill with out me and when I saw him fall my heart sank to the ground."
"Thank you Jill. I hope Jack gets better soon back to you Bob""Thank you Jeem Jack is under operation as we speak and he is in critical but stable position. Ok thats all for tonight folks and thank you for listening to 999 News at 7:00
By Lochie
By Lochie
Nutty News
Nutty News
By Jackson K-W
Deep at Spider Valley Intsy Bintsy spider climbed up the water spout but down came the rain and he forgot to equip his parachute he landed head first. 500 miles per hour, he cracked opened his skull.
The spider rescue team came to save him in a helicopter. But as soon as they jumped out their parachutes got caught in the propeller of the helicopter. That made the helicopter crash and made Intsy Bintsy spider go... SPLAT!
Then a army tank came and crushed Intsy Bintsy Spider. Suddenly a plane flew over and declared war. It dropped a cluster bomb. One rebounded and hit the plane it made the plane blow up. So that made the plane surrender.
A crowd came cheering. They ran over Intsy Bintsy Spider. Now if you go to Spider Valley always look for the Spider SPLAT!
By Jackson K-W
Deep at Spider Valley Intsy Bintsy spider climbed up the water spout but down came the rain and he forgot to equip his parachute he landed head first. 500 miles per hour, he cracked opened his skull.
The spider rescue team came to save him in a helicopter. But as soon as they jumped out their parachutes got caught in the propeller of the helicopter. That made the helicopter crash and made Intsy Bintsy spider go... SPLAT!
Then a army tank came and crushed Intsy Bintsy Spider. Suddenly a plane flew over and declared war. It dropped a cluster bomb. One rebounded and hit the plane it made the plane blow up. So that made the plane surrender.
A crowd came cheering. They ran over Intsy Bintsy Spider. Now if you go to Spider Valley always look for the Spider SPLAT!
Nutty News
On Friday we had Mrs Mcgregor for our teacher. We all made Nutty News stories about nursery rhymes.
One sunny afternoon, in the park Sir Humpty Dumpty was sitting on a rock wall when he was suddenly blown over by a huge gust of wind.
Fellow walkers on the other side of the wall said "when he fell his top went up and when he landed all that was there was very sharp, white pieces of shell, his clothes and all of this yellow, slimy stuff."
It's believed to be his insides.
The eggolice (egg police) are investigating scene.
The eggolice scooped up what was left off him and put him in a plastic bag.
When Mr Dumpty awoke he said he wanted to fly.
The eggolice figured that he stood up and fell off the wall.
They have managed to to stick Mr Dumpty back together.
He will have very bad headaches for the rest of the week.
"He will be back before you know it," say the nurses.
By Geena.
One sunny afternoon, in the park Sir Humpty Dumpty was sitting on a rock wall when he was suddenly blown over by a huge gust of wind.
Fellow walkers on the other side of the wall said "when he fell his top went up and when he landed all that was there was very sharp, white pieces of shell, his clothes and all of this yellow, slimy stuff."
It's believed to be his insides.
The eggolice (egg police) are investigating scene.
The eggolice scooped up what was left off him and put him in a plastic bag.
When Mr Dumpty awoke he said he wanted to fly.
The eggolice figured that he stood up and fell off the wall.
They have managed to to stick Mr Dumpty back together.
He will have very bad headaches for the rest of the week.
"He will be back before you know it," say the nurses.
By Geena.
Nutty News
Humpty Dumpty is in a crucial condition in hospital after he fell off a wall in London on the 13 of July. Police have been investigating the crime scene "That's a first". And they believe that he was pushed off the wall by two little kids. Bystanders watched as Humpty was taken to hospital. Doctors say Humpty has broken all his shellulareblades and he is cracked in two. Doctors have been trying to glue him back together.
Today his parents Gem the hen and Boster the roster came to visit him. Doctors say the glue might not hold which means he probably will crack soon. He has been told he is not allowed to take part in the nursery rhyme again which means they have to find a new egg for the rhyme. We now have George the knight, the only witness is here with me now. George tell me what you saw "I just saw the egg fall man". We will update you on his condition tomorrow night. "Im Zac Robertson. Now back to you Jim".
By Justin
Today his parents Gem the hen and Boster the roster came to visit him. Doctors say the glue might not hold which means he probably will crack soon. He has been told he is not allowed to take part in the nursery rhyme again which means they have to find a new egg for the rhyme. We now have George the knight, the only witness is here with me now. George tell me what you saw "I just saw the egg fall man". We will update you on his condition tomorrow night. "Im Zac Robertson. Now back to you Jim".
By Justin
Nutty News
Yesterday Humpty Dumpty had fallen off a wall and cracked into yolk.
We talk to a pedestrian egg called Egg White who had witnessed this tragic moment while walking to work.
Mr. White claims that he saw a shadow running away from Humpty when he had fallen.
Police believe Humpty had not fallen... HE WAS PUSHED!!
People say Egg Carton City just won't be the same without Mr. Dumpty.
By Lachlan.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Hottest House Baker
Friday the 14th of June we had to bake a cupcake and decorate it.
In the assembly the winners got announced and they were in year 5 and 6 Oreti-Geena and Georgia. Aparima-Lani and Willis. Hokonui-McKenzie and Nicole. Takitimu-Aaron and Rebekah.
We had a bake off on Friday the 21st of June. We had to make biscuits and we will find out who is eliminated in the assembly.
By Lani and Geena.
In the assembly the winners got announced and they were in year 5 and 6 Oreti-Geena and Georgia. Aparima-Lani and Willis. Hokonui-McKenzie and Nicole. Takitimu-Aaron and Rebekah.
We had a bake off on Friday the 21st of June. We had to make biscuits and we will find out who is eliminated in the assembly.
By Lani and Geena.
Dumb Ideas
In Room 1 this week we have been writing about daft, dumb and dangerous things that people do. At first they seem brilliant, but then they go terribly and horribly wrong.
Tonight the school is having a school disco. It is happening in the hall. Junior disco is at 4.30 until 6.30. Senior is at 6.30 until 8.00.
Corey Ross is going as Amile the morganville vampire.
I is going as a surprise I wont tell until the disco.
Food,drinks ect avalible
The Abominables
I am here to tell you about the new book I got from the library it is called the Abominable it is about when Agatha has been kidnapped by a yeti when she was sleeping in her tent. The yeti took her high up in a mountain.
By Reagan
By Reagan
Thursday, 20 June 2013
poly feast t.shirt
Jumbo, my name is Reagan,
I'm here to tell you about my poly fest t.shirt design. It has a kiwi in the middle of a flower. The kiwi represents me and the flower represents the community. In the petals are little symbols that look like a spiders web. It represents the sun and the other one represents Hokonui hills and the one that looks like sharks teeth represents the Takatimu hills.
By Reagan
I'm here to tell you about my poly fest t.shirt design. It has a kiwi in the middle of a flower. The kiwi represents me and the flower represents the community. In the petals are little symbols that look like a spiders web. It represents the sun and the other one represents Hokonui hills and the one that looks like sharks teeth represents the Takatimu hills.
By Reagan
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
The big boat trip.
On the 15/6/13 my Nana and Grandad went on a boat trip
they will come back the 29/6/13.
That night they left grandad texted Mum and said that they were still at port.
My Mum was so worried that she rang and Nana said that the boat was broken and they could not find out were to go so they kept on doing what felt like doing.
We found out they have to leave at 12:00 AM.
This boat is called the Pacific Pearl-P&O Cruises.
When on the website you can see the view from the front of the boat.
On Tuesday Mum rang Nana and Nana & Grandad they were on one of the islands.
They were about to go under the water in the middle of the sea.
When I looked at some photos it was like being on the Titanic.
Wow that would the best time of my life if I was on that boat.
By Briar Fletcher
In Room 1 we have been learning how to make Lei's. We're not making them yet,we're just sorting out what equipment we are going to use to make them.
We have to use products or Colours that are important to our community. Some people are using wrappers off packets of Butter. Butter is important to our community because it represents the dairy community. We have lots of dairy farms in Southland.
I am using Colours that are important to Southland. All the Colours that I am using are going to be on pieces of Ribbon. The colours I am using are Red,Blue.Green and Yellow. Represents the Heart of Southland, Blue represents the Sky and Water, The Green stands for Grass, And last of all Yellow, Yellow means light, I am also going to use White Beads in between the pieces of Ribbon so that it spaces out.
By Aimee Diack.
We have to use products or Colours that are important to our community. Some people are using wrappers off packets of Butter. Butter is important to our community because it represents the dairy community. We have lots of dairy farms in Southland.
I am using Colours that are important to Southland. All the Colours that I am using are going to be on pieces of Ribbon. The colours I am using are Red,Blue.Green and Yellow. Represents the Heart of Southland, Blue represents the Sky and Water, The Green stands for Grass, And last of all Yellow, Yellow means light, I am also going to use White Beads in between the pieces of Ribbon so that it spaces out.
By Aimee Diack.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Central western rugby team
By Lochie Earland
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
This term we have done are own writing about anything we want and this is my story about Megalodons facts. Enjoy!
Megalodon (Mega-low-done) or big tooth. yes theirs a monster called that. Lets say its... MASSIVE! But don't worry or stay a way from the deep blue sea because their extinct! They were fabulous survivor's. They were so good at it they survived the prehistoric times and the ice age. If they were a touch better they would be here today.
They were the best killer in the sea they could feed on anything even jelly fish! Jelly Belly. This as a seal most night mare because sharks favourite food is seal. Just remember don't go into a cave with sharp teeth at the opening.
Now listen to this if you find a Megalodon's bones you will only get the teeth and the ribs that are the size of a whale!
So you just heard it being bigger than a whale but that's not all! If you get a average size family and stacked them that will be the size of a Megalodon. A Megalodon is 4x the size of a Great White Shark. If you have seen a Megalodon movie they can get a lot bigger than that and more dangerous.
Now I come to my conclusion if these monsters were still alive you'll have a 75% chance that the beach will be closed. Thanks for reading.
By Jackson Kynan-Wilde
Monday, 27 May 2013
The Cow Boys
In Room 1 this term we have been learning to write a story from a picture in a book. We did The Cow Boys. We all got a pick a page to write about. There were only allowed 2 on each page but some had only 1. We only got to pick one out of 11. I picked page 9. I was the only one writing about page 9 hope you enjoy it.
"Ha,ha,ha,ha that dog is no use to us,"laughed his cow boy mates.
"How is she going to round up the old cattle mate and chase the mountain lion's." Said Jim
"I've already made up a good name for her Tess." Said Jessie
"It's so small the cattle will stand on her." Said Jim
" Just give Tess a chance,"said Jessie.
In the morning Tess went to round up the cattle. She did it in ten minutes "wow" said the cow boys.
"we are keeping her," said the cow boys.
"let's try the mountain lions." Said Billy Joe.
At one they set out to find the mountain lion "there it is" said Jessie.
"Tess ran strait up to the mountain lion," said Jimmy.
"That will give as some food for a week," said Jessie.
"Yes, yes" said the cow boys.
"But we have got the final test to do" said Buffalo Bill
"what is it?" said Jessie.
"You will see. Is she going to keep us up all night?" said Jim.
"Hmmm thought," Jessie.
"How is she going to round up the old cattle mate and chase the mountain lion's." Said Jim
"I've already made up a good name for her Tess." Said Jessie
"It's so small the cattle will stand on her." Said Jim
" Just give Tess a chance,"said Jessie.
In the morning Tess went to round up the cattle. She did it in ten minutes "wow" said the cow boys.
"we are keeping her," said the cow boys.
"let's try the mountain lions." Said Billy Joe.
At one they set out to find the mountain lion "there it is" said Jessie.
"Tess ran strait up to the mountain lion," said Jimmy.
"That will give as some food for a week," said Jessie.
"Yes, yes" said the cow boys.
"But we have got the final test to do" said Buffalo Bill
"what is it?" said Jessie.
"You will see. Is she going to keep us up all night?" said Jim.
"Hmmm thought," Jessie.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
A happy healthy me.
At the start of the term two we started learning about the heart and staying healthy so I'm going to tell you how you can stay happy plus healthy.
First eat healthy and do not eat to much fats, oils and sugars.They make you put on weight if you eat too much and don't do enough exercise. Also they are not good for our hearts.
On the 11.5.13 we made a food pyramid with all the food and what we should eat and how much.
We found out that the perfect amount of meat is the size of the palm of our hand.
In the food pyramid there is bread and cereals, fruit and veges, fish meat poultry nuts and beans, dairy products and fats,oils and sweets.
By Briar
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
This week we have been writing about the recent holidays. I spent my holidays in Riverton. Here is my story.
One cold, damp day, at Riverton, in the holidays it was low tide at the beach and the waves were massive for low tide so Callum and I went down to check the waves. It was the day we were leaving Riverton to go home to Forest Hill.
After we had finished looking at the waves we went back up to Callum's house to play with Murphy, Callums new puppy. We started to throw a frisby for Murphy to chase and get it and when we went to get the frisby from him he would run away from us. We had to chase him until he was really tired.
By Lochie Earland
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Today is the day Room 1 and 2 have been waiting for... tasting their ice creams. Room 1, 2 and 3 children voted for their favourite flavors. The winners were B&B Whirled and Jumping Jolly Mush.
Waiting... |
The ice creams and their advertisements. |
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1st equal with Jumping Jolly Mush. |
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Ice creams
In room 1 we are making ice creams. When we finish the ice creams we will get Room 2 & 3 to judge it. At the moment they are in the freezer to keep them cool. At the end room 2 & 3 will vote for the one they liked the most.
By Luke
By Luke
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